Kerala PSC Mechanical Engineering Jobs for Graduates & Diploma Holders

If you are a graduate in Mechanical Engineering or a diploma holder in Mechanical engineering, and you want to know the job opportunities for you in Kerala through various Kerala Public Service Commission (PSC) exam, then this article can really help you. Many of you may be aware that, there is recruitment process through Kerala PSC exams for Mechanical engineers in various Government departments in Kerala, but you might be unaware of the job profiles for which the recruitment are carried out. This article gives some lights to those categories of people. The details of KPSC Mechanical jobs for the eligible aspirants are discussed in the following paragraphs.

For a graduate in Mechanical Engineering, some of the core Mechanical engineering job profiles through Kerala PSC recruitment are as follows. The major four categories of jobs are being discussed.
  • Assistant Engineer in various departments of Govt. of Kerala like Irrigation, Legal Metrology, Harbour Engineering, Ground Water, PWD etc.
  • Assistant Director in various Govt. of Kerala departments like boilers and factories.
  • Mechanical Lecturer in Polytechnic Colleges.
  • Lab Instructor in Mechanical engineering colleges

However, the salaries for each of the job profiles will be varying. Assistant Director will get a better salary than an Assistant Engineer and Lecturer. Lab Instructor in Engineering Colleges and Lecturers in Polytechnic colleges are having an almost same pay scale and assistant engineer pay scale is better than these two. After 7th Pay Commission, the scale of pay for an Assistant Engineer is Rs.39500-Rs.83000. There can be other job profiles also, but the above mentioned are the very common pots.

For a diploma holder in Mechanical Engineering, some of the core Mechanical job profiles through Kerala PSC recruitment are as follows.
  • Draftsman jobs in various departments of Govt. of Kerala
  • Motor Vehicle Inspector job (needs additional HMV driving license and work experience authorized by government workshops)
  • Mechanic job in various departments of Govt of Kerala
  • Machine operator
  • Technician in various departments of Govt of Kerala
In these categories of jobs, Motor Vehicle Inspector will receive the highest salary, followed by Draftsman, Machine Operator and Mechanic. There can be many other job profiles also, however, the mentioned are very common. The salary for the respective posts will be mentioned in the job notification PDF as well in the admit card for the examinations. The salary scale will be less than that of AE post.

Note that, all the graduates are also eligible to apply for diploma qualification based job but the reverse is not possible. If you are a graduate and you want to apply for Draftsman job or Motor Vehicle Inspector job, then while applying for the job through Kerala PSC login portal, you can select the option for higher or equivalent qualification for applying for the post. 

If you want to know more about Government Jobs in Kerala - check this link>>

If you are a fresher, then apply here>> for a job.

If you are an aspirant for Kerala PSC Mechanical Engineering examination, then this blog is a useful guide for you as it contains most of the study materials and preparation guidelines for your examinations. You might be aware that, engineering exams conducted by Kerala PSC are growing tougher day by day, mainly considering the number of vacancies of the post and the total applicants writing the exam. So you have to be well prepared in order to be in the final ranked list. You can check various tabs on top of this page to get valuable information for the exam. Make use of the resources here and all the best!

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